

From Chuck: 

Which of the True North Values excites you the most and why? (Drive, Greatness, Team)
2 – What do you love to do outside of work? (Hobbies)
3 – What excites you about the Lanscape industry?

1 – Drive, Greatness, and Team three Values that make up True North Outdoor. Each of these values have significant meaning to me for various reasons.  As an Athlete, a Coach, a Mentor, a Leader, a Husband, and a Parent to 5 Kids Drive and Greatness is something I strive for everyday and are values I personally adopted at a very young age and are values I have tried to pass on over the years.  While these are extremely important to me in my daily life the Value of Team is what excites me the most about True North. Lots of companies has the word Team in their values but very few truly live or exemplify this value.  True North however truly exemplifies this value in everything it does.  Together we are changing and will change the industry.

2 – Outside of Work you will find me with Spending time with family, on the Field Coaching, at a Dance Competition, a Show Choir Competion, on the deck spending time with Friends and Family at our place at the Lake, or spending time relaxing in the woods.  With 5 Kids from the ages of 12-19 my life outside of work is full of activities.

3 – When it comes to the Landscape Industry the part that excites me the most is the opportunity to bring our clients vision or dreams to a reality.  I am able to build something that brings friend, family, and colleague together!

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