Tracy’s Tips: How to Design Beautiful, Resilient Flower Pots in Kansas City
August in Kansas City is BRUTAL.
It’s typically the month where landscapes start falling apart, pests take over and things generally look their worst! But not at our clients’ properties.
Check out some of these gorgeous Summer pots at True North properties around Kansas City and scroll down for our tips on how you can create resilient, beautiful pots that outlast the harsh KC Summers!

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Designing successful flower pots is mostly about selecting and pairing hearty flowers that can withstand our crazy KC Summers.

Summit Woods

Summit Fair

Santa Fe Square
HOW TO DESIGN flower pots
“I am are often asked how we choose the flowers in our pots. Since flower pot success translates to both commercial and residential use, I think you’ll find these tips helpful!”
Resilience is KEY
It has to be a plant that can survive heavy rains and drought because in KC you have both. My top 3 favorites are Cannas, Begonias and Coleus. If a plant isn’t resilient it’s not even considered as a possibility.
Color Scheme Counts
Usually there are 3 main colors to start. From there they are layered with high contrasts as well as varying shades of the same color to create visual interest. Often leaves offer just as much color as blooms so mixing up your greens has as much interest as the blooms. This year we chose light pink cannas mixed with hot pink Vinca, and red Begonia to contrast the black burgundy of Sweet Potato vine and Coleus.
Texture is the last factor considered. Choosing plants that have petite leaves like the Silver Dichondra as it trails over the side brings whimsy. The Angelonia’s Spiked cone shape is juxtaposition to the round bells of a Petunia. Each flowers variation creates a diverse story of color shape and size.